Getting Started With Java

Our Process

Our Approach To ABA Therapy

From your child's first interview with us to their last therapy session, we strive to ensure that our processes for ABA therapy are convenient and flexible for the families that we work with.


After contacting our office, prospective clients will be asked to participate in a clinical interview to gather additional information about their child. Once completed, and it’s determined that Java Autism Services can meet the needs of the child & family, clients will be asked to complete a brief intake form, which includes basic information, evidence of an autism diagnosis, and their health insurance card.


Your child's treatment plan is reviewed and approved by your insurance company.

Assessment and Treatment Plan

Following the confirmation of ABA therapy benefits, a date will be scheduled for a BCBA to complete a skill-based assessment. Results are summarized and used to determine the number of therapy hours recommended.


Our team will finalize the schedule for your child and provide you with a start date to begin direct services.

Free Parent Orientation

In addition to useful resources, we also provide a free parent orientation that includes an overview of ABA, the process of enrolling, and what to expect when your child begins services..



Home programs are focused on increasing the skills necessary to participate in the home and community.